Oklahoma Fur Bearers Alliance

Fall 2017 Convention Results
October 27, 2017

Just wanted to say that we had one of the best Fall Conventions that we have ever had. There were 2 days of demos from some of the best of trappers in the nation. Wayne Derrick from New Mexico, Rusty Johnson from Georgia, Lee Steinmeyer from Kansas, Lesel Reuwsaat from South Dakota and Brad Thomure with Apple road Predator Bait. There were lots of vendors and lots of activities for everyone. Trap Toss for the kids and all of them went home with traps. The skillet toss for the women was a big hit again this year. 1st place Amber Doerr, 2nd place Jennifer Crosby, and 3rd place Sharon Smith.

The trap setting contest for the kids were judged by Wayne Derrick, Rusty Johnson, Lee Steinmeyer, and Kyler Damron. They judged how well the set was made, how stable was the trap and location. 1st place Catie Wyskup, 2nd place Lane Crosby, and 3rd place Logan Crosby.

Turtle races were something new this year and was very exciting. 1st place Miranda Sanders, Robbie Sweetman, and Lane Crosby.

We did something new for some of the members that always go out of their way to help with anything that they can. They received Plaques that acknowledges their efforts. Those receiving recognition were David and Rhonda Marsh, Sharron Smith, Cloyce Callaway and Margie Dodson. Outstand directors were Lloyd Teeters, Noel Carruthers, Doran Smith, Terry Waggoner, and Gary Jarman.

We gave away a hitch mounted vertical skinner and Tim Davis was the lucky person. We hope that he enjoys it.

Fish Friday night was great. There was Crappie and Catfish with all the trimmings. Saturday meal was smoked pig. Everybody enjoyed the food and company.

I would like to thank everyone that took the time to come to the Convention and help out and visit. Without people like you we would not be the OFBA.

The 2017 to 2019 officers and directors are:

R.C. Edgar President
Gary Jarman Vice President
Shawn Bell Secretary/ Treasure
Shannon Sheffert NTA


Tracy Anderson
Evan Crosby
Noel Carruthers
Kyler Damron
Monty Dodson
Dwight Keen
Scott Newby
Doren Smith
Lloyd Teeters
Brad Thomure

2017 Wildlife Expo @ Lazy-E Arena
July 8, 2017

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Wildlife Expo September 22 to 24 2017 at the Lazy E arena at Guthrie, ok.
The Wildlife Expo will be upon us before we know it. If interested in helping at our Booth on any of the days please get with me at 405-238-0012 or Terry Waggoner at 405-650-1780. Friday will be School days and the weekend will be open for everybody else. All of the activates are free for everyone. There is something for everyone there. Always a lot of interest in what we have at our booth. Come see us there.

R.C. Edgar

Thanks everyone for the help!

Fall 2017 Convention
July 8, 2017

The 2017 Fall Convention will be on October 13 and 14 at the Okemah Fairgrounds. Free primitive camping is allowed but there is no fires or AC hookups. There will be a fish fry Friday night and a drawing for a receiver mounted shinning machine. The doors will open at 7:00 am on Friday and Saturday. There will be drawings both days for tee shirts every hour. We will have several new people doing demos for us this fall. These guys are some of the best lure and bait makers that I know and some of the best trappers that there is. We will have Wayne Derrick from New Mexico, Cletis Richards from Missouri, and Brad Thomure from Oklahoma. They will be here to answer questions and catch up on old times with those of you that know them. Monty Dodson will be doing a question and answer session Saturday. Shawn Bell, Hydro Graphics Dipping Skulls. Dub Shankle, snares. Lloyd Teeters, matchless fire starting with flint and steel. Robin Teeters, jewelry and flower press. Shannon Sheffert Moles, Gophers and Squirrels. Alexander Pummill Bass Fishing. We should have something for everybody. We will have the Skillet toss for the women again this year so get your tossing arm warmed up. There will be a Trap setting contest for the kids like we had at the Spring Meeting. So be sure and get practiced up and bring your trapping equipment and make some good sets. We will have the Trap Toss again for the kids. Thanks goes out again to Bill Duke for suppling the traps. New this year is a Turtle Race for the kids! Bring your Box Turtle and race. Fish for the Friday night fish fry has been donated by Gene Callaway and Doran Smith. Meat for the lunch will be provided by the OFBA and we ask that you bring a covered dish. We will have an auction at the end of the day Saturday and we ask that you bring something for the auction to help support the OFBA. This is election year so be sure and vote. We want to make this the best Fall Convention that we have ever had. The Directors Meeting will be Friday night. Be sure to have your Ballots in to us by October 13, 2017.

Working on big name trappers from out of state to come do demos.

If any questions please call R.C. Edgar (405) 238-0012

Rusty Johnson from Georgia with Country Boy Lures confirmed his attendance and will set up a table.

Lee Steinmeyer from Kansas with L&P Trapline Supply will have fleshing knives and dispatch poles confirmed attendance and will set up a table.

Carliss Stephens with Sudden Valley Supply from Missouri has confirmed attendance, will set up a table, and will also do demos.

Lee Reuwsaat from South Dakota with Reuwsaat Bait and Lure has confirmed attendance, will set up a table, and do a demo.

Grand Sports Show
May 10, 2017

Five State Convention
June 15th through June 17th, 2017
Clark County Fairgrounds
Arkadelphia, Arkansas

The OFBA will help host the 5 state convention at Arkadelphia Arkansas the next week. I need 4 more volunteers to help with the Convention. If you can be there for the whole time that would be great. If not then what ever you could help with let me know. We will have to be there on Tuesday June 13 2017 to help set up the buildings for the vendors. Wednesday the vendors will be arriving to setup their tables. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will be the convention. Sunday we will help clean up the buildings and go home. We were asked to help with this because of the good job that we did a couple of years back. Please let me know what day or days that you can help. If you know of any members that would like to help on the Spring meeting or at the 5 State Convention please let me know.


Just got back from the 2017 5 State Spring Convention in Arkadelphia Arkansas. There were lots of good demos, people and vendors. I would like to thank everyone that helped out at the Convention. Those from the OFBA were Gene and Cloyce Callaway, Tina Edgar, Noel Carruthers, Tracy Anderson, Richard and Zaek Waite, Gary Jarman, and Shannon Sheffert. We appreciate everyone who was able to help Arkansas with the convention and help get our organizations name out there. We talked to a lot of old friends and made a lot of new friends. The Arkansas Trappers had put in a lot of effort in this convention and we were glad to help out.


OFBA 2017 Spring Meeting
May 10, 2017

The Spring Meeting will be June 3 2017 at Gentry Creek Campgrounds on Lake Eufaula. I have booked camp site #25. If you are interested in camping camp sites 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 are open now. We will supply the meat for the noon meal and we ask that you bring a covered dish. We will have a trap toss for the kids again. Bill Duke donated a dozen #1.5 traps and we bought a dozen. There will be crafts for the kids. There will be demos and several drawings for free "STUFF". You will need to be present to win. I will need help getting this all together. Please let me know what you can volunteer to do. Elections are this fall and we need to see who wants to be placed on the Ballot.

R.C. Edgar

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