Oklahoma Fur Bearers Alliance District 4 Director Report January 2025
Hello from a snowy Southern Oklahoma. As I sit here typing this newsletter the snow is coming down and is about 3" deep and
we are expecting more. This has been a crazy fall and winter so far. Deer season was good here and there were several big deer killed in my area. I hope
that everyone filled their tags.
Youth Camps are over, and we had a wonderful time at both camps. A big thanks goes out to everyone that took time out of their busy schedule to spend the
time teaching the kids how to trap and keeping them fed. The Stillwater camp had 33 youths, 21 adults, 10 instructors and 2 cooks. Rhonda and David Marsh
took care of everybody and kept them fed. Rhonda and David have been keeping camp feed for many years and hopefully many more. The instructors were Noah Smith,
Shannon Sheffert, Gary Jarman, Mike Bond, Matt Yocham, Evan Crosby, Logan Crosby, Lane Crosby, James Crowell, and R.C. Edgar. The Waurika camp had 35 youths,
30 adults 8 instructors and 2 cooks. The cooks were Patrica and Raymond England. They would cook at home and bring it out to us every meal. I know that they
had a terribly busy weekend keeping up with the meals. The instructors were Noah Smith, Shannon Sheffert, Gary Jarman, James Crowell, Mark Scott, Jeff Jones,
Nolan Sweetman and R.C. Edgar. Both camps produced lots of fur, excited kids, and parents. The first night at Stillwater the temperature dropped below freezing
but the second night was a lot warmer. Not a lot the first night but the second night made up for it. The Waurika camp had warm weather both days and produced
lots of fur both nights. We had several families that were at both camps, and they said that this was what they are all looking forward to. Cletis Richards with
Appleroad Bait donated bait for both camps. Cletis always does something for the kids. Micheal Taylor donated trapping supplies for the kids. Thanks, Micheal,
for what you do. Bill Duke lets us have the traps and sifters at a great price. Bill has always done whatever he can to help the kids in the OFBA and every other
place. Bill, thanks for everything that you do for the kids. Jerrod Davis and the ODWC play a big part in our youth camps. With their support we can provide traps
and equipment free to the kids that attend our trapping camps. We have been partnered up with the ODWC for the last 2 years. This is a tremendous help to the OFBA
and the kids. The best part is when they leave camp, they have everything that they need to get started trapping and the things that they learned at camp is still
fresh on their mind. Youth Camp is my favorite time. 11 month and a couple of weeks for the next one.
The OFBA Fur Sale will be on March 8, 2025, at the Noble County Fair Grounds at Perry Oklahoma. We will setup on Friday night and have a directors meeting. We will
open the doors at 7:00 AM and the sale will start at 9:00 AM. The Wildlife Department will be there to tag Bobcats and Otters. There will be vendors there from which
to purchase supplies. The kitchen will be open for breakfast and lunch and ran by the Sisters Roadkill Café girls again. Be sure to stop by and see them. To get your
lot number please contact Evan Crosby at 918-964-1554. You can sell fur, skulls, glands, skunk essence, castor, penis bones, and antlers.
Twin Bridges Trapperman 17th year spoonbill weekend will be March 14 and 15 2025. Friday night there will be a fish fry. We have shelter reserved and paid for so that
we will have a roof over our heads. We need RSVP as soon as possible so that we know how much we need for the main course. Please bring a side dish to help at the meals.
As you know this event is paid for by donations to be raffled off Saturday so bring your trap related items. Cash donations are welcomed also. Please contact Cletis Richards
at 417-529-1060. Hope to see you all there.
Evan Crosby has asked if you have any stories or pictures that you would like to share, please send them to Evan to post them on the OFBA website. His email is Evan Crosby
ofbasec@yahoo.com and he will get it posted.
I hope that you have a Great fur season. Remember to get a kid involved with trapping as they are our future. Thanks R.C. Edgar